Monday, 6 October 2008

Group Mind

This past January, I gave a lecture-seminar for the New York Society for General Semantics. It was titled "Developing the Experience of Group Mind." Specifically, I spoke of the long-form improv experience of group mind, and how as an improv teacher I develop an improv group's group mind.

The journal ETC: A Review of General Semantics published it as an essay. Feel free to give it a read. You can find the essay here.


Paul Foxcroft said...

Dude, I ought to get you together with a bunch of theatricals in NYC who did a thing called Paintshow in NYC and Edinburgh a few years back.

It was a device to place the audience in a groupmind state.

I'll hit up the producer for details.

Yuo guys should go for coffee twith these guys.


Ben said...

Tell me more!